Lakshmi Puja provides wealth and financial success. Removes obstacles in personal and professional life. Reduces the negative effects of Graha Dosha (planetary defects). Increases communication skills which in turn results in better outcome for business. It provides grace for a harmonious family life. It will be performed based on the Kerala tradition by Pujarini Meera.
Everyone is welcome to attend at no charge, but if you want make a sankalpa/special intention there will be an opportunity to sign up for the puja. Cost of registration is $190. People who are unable to attend can also sign up for the puja.
All proceeds are directed to Amma's humanitarian projects. Register online or email Krishnan. Your registration must include the following information: your name and Vedic birth star OR your name, your birth date, time and place; plus, current address and whether you plan to pay in cash or check. Payment is due on the day of the Puja.
Puja starts promptly at 7:00 AM, please plan on arriving by 6:45 AM. A light vegetarian breakfast will be served after the puja.
Pujas and Homas are regularly conducted by Pujarini Meera. To know about the Pujas and Homas and have one performed at your place, please contact Meera.