testimonials from our community

I want to tell you how thankful I am for the teaching and coaching from Sri Janani Yoga which enable me to fully participate!  Instead of feeling, like the first time in Amritapuri (India), like I was a damaged old lady, and couldn’t do all these postures like these young, fit people.  I know instead how to listen to my body and make accommodations.  When I use my blocks, strap, bolster and a chair as needed, I can do 90% of the regular yoga class. I am so thankful for your loving classes and look forward to joining again in the new year!
— Jagati O.
The workshop yesterday on hips and back really helped me throughout the day and even overnight. I was able to go walking for a longer distance without feeling pain during or after! I usually get that pubic pain after a walk but not the case yesterday. My back wasn’t bothering me either after the walk. Also, I slept in the flying fish position last night and I feel great this morning with no hip pain.
— A.K.
I’m feeling awesome after prenatal yoga this morning! I ended up meeting so many of my best mommy friends at SHC, and it has always been my safe place during those raw and frazzled (and magical!!) early weeks. My body, my births and my babies thank you.
— S.G.
Seattle Holistic Center provides a beautiful, healing space for moms and babies. Mom and baby yoga renewed my spirit each week and I loved seeing Keeva grow after being around other babies. I tell every mom-to-be or new mom I meet about SHC!
— Kari
I love how the beautiful teachers at Seattle Holistic Center make all of us mamas feel. Thank you for the love, confidence, joy and community you create for us!
— B.C.
I was able to birth with awareness and through movement, which I am so, so happy about. Yoga, the Labor Workshop with Jenn, Mama Dance with Mandy and all the mamas in class were a big part of my preparation, so thank you all!
— L.S.
Back in 1996…I took your prenatal yoga classes when I was pregnant with my son in 1996 and also when I was pregnant with my daughter in 1998. Your classes really laid the foundation for so much. Your grounding presence and your wise words have stayed with me all these years. You have influenced how I parent & both my kids have turned out really great. As my son starts his senior year of high school- I can’t help reflecting on the people who made a difference in my life and you are one of them so I just want to say thank you! Thank you for laying the foundation.
— Sharon G.